Join this session to learn about efforts underway to rebuild resilient communities in the Rogue Valley’s resident-owned manufactured housing communities. On Labor Day 2020, a devastating wildfire in the Rogue Valley displaced thousands of Latinx families and destroyed much of the affordable housing stock in the region. CASA of Oregon, an affordable housing nonprofit that had already been working in the area, built on their existing relationships and mobilized resources to support a group of local leaders to come together and form a coalition committed to long-term disaster resiliency and financial autonomy. Together, they are rebuilding an affordable manufactured housing community that will be resident-owned and are investing in deliberate efforts to organize residents in several resident-owned cooperatives and plan for future emergency response. Panelists will share resident survey, engagement strategies, leadership strategies, advocacy efforts, emergency planning tools, and financing strategies that have moved these resiliency building efforts forward. After hearing from the panel of partners, participants will have the opportunity to break into small, facilitated groups to review tools used and explore how similar strategies could be utilized in their own communities.