Michael Appel
Develop Detroit & Avalon Housing

Michael Appel is Senior Project Manager with Develop Detroit. He has worked in the field of housing and community development for over 30 years, developing 260 units of permanent supportive housing at 20 different projects—with involvement from site selection through closing, rent-up and compliance. Along with housing development finance, he has successfully secured multiple HUD Homeless grants that provide services funding, along with housing subsidy. Beginning as a tenant organizer and housing advocate, he has extensive experience in organizing, advocacy and policy initiatives, as well as organizational development. He is one of the founders of Avalon Housing in Ann Arbor, a pioneer in supportive housing to address homelessness since 1992. Michael has taught Community Practice courses at the University of Michigan School of Social Work and provided technical assistance. Raised in Michigan, he received an MSW and MA from the University of Michigan and a BA from Oberlin College.