Welcome the 2020 MUS Resident Research Competition.
This event is designed to support urology residents in their research, training and practice. It also provides practicing urologists with a wide array of research results performed in southeast Michigan, exposing them to new techniques and strategies to implement into their own practice.
9:05 Evaluating Practice Patterns Regarding Prostate Biopsies Performed in Elderly
Patients: A Review of a Statewide Collaborative – Brian Odom, MD
9:10 Outcomes Following Immediate Versus Delayed Radical Prostatectomy: Results
From a Statewide Quality Improvement Collaborative: Zubin Shetty, MD
9:15 MR/US Fusion-Guided Prostate Biopsy Improves Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer
Detection for Biopsy-Naïve Patients Across Diverse Practice Settings – Brett Watson, MD
9:20 Molecular Analysis of Prostate Cancer Reveals Distinct Gene Profiles in African American
and European American Men – Udit Singhal, MD
Discussion of abstracts 9:30 – 9:45
Join the Session
9:45 Factors Affecting Robotic Partial Converted to Radical Nephrectomy: A Retrospective
Multi-Institutional Study in the Michigan Urologic Surgery Improvement
Collaborative (MUSIC) – Michael Rudoff, MD
9:50 Renal Mass Size and Presence of Synchronous Lung Metastasis at Time of Diagnosis:
Implications for Chest Imaging – Marcus Jamil, MD
9:55 Current Utilization of CT Urogram – Justin Schultz, DO
10:00 Reimbursement Incentive Associated with Decrease in Opioids Prescribed Following
Robotic Radical Prostatectomy – Jacob Stephens, MD
10:05 Evaluation of Opioid Prescribing for Ureteroscopic Stone Procedures Before and After the
New Michigan Automated Prescription System Requirements – Justyn Blankenship, DO
Discussion of Abstracts: 10:10 – 10:25
10:45 Management of Prostate Cancer During COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspective From Urologists
and Radiation Oncologists in COVID Dense Metro Detroit – Peter Domenig, DO
10:50 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Urologic Consults in a Detroit Community Hospital –
Steven Allegro, MD
10:55 Telemedicine for Male-Infertility Saves Patients’ Time and Money, and is Feasible for
First-Time Users – Alexander Zhu, DO
11:00 Utilization of Third Line Therapy in the Urologic Management of Patients with
Multiple Sclerosis – Lee Baumgarten, MD
11:05 The Future is Female: Urology Workforce Projection from 2020 to 2060 –
Catherine Nam, MD
Discussion of Abstracts: 11:10 – 11:25
11:25 The Role for Concomitant Medical Therapy in the Urologic Management of Idiopathic
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis – Javier Santiago, MD
11:30 Bladder Capacity and Growth in Classic Bladder Exstrophy: A Novel Predictive Tool –
Mahir Maruf, MD
11:35 Cavernoscopy with Direct Vision Incision of Peyronie’s Plaque: A Novel Technique-
Adam Peterson, DO
Discussion of Abstracts: 11:40 – 11:55
Meet the Moderators

Dr. John Stoffel

Dr. Donald Bartkowski
About MUS
The purpose of the Michigan Urological Society (MUS) is to encourage the study and maintenance of the highest possible standards for urological education, research and practice. We work to help support and educate urology residents and keep our members up-to-speed on new technology, research findings and regulatory items that affect you and your profession.
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