Modelling Organisational Ecosystems to Inform Strategy development in a Rapidly Changing World
Friday, May 20, 2022
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM

"Organisations need to change at least as fast their environment, so if your environment is changing rapidly, how do you keep up with it? It might seem that modelling an ecosystem is too big or too difficult to do frequently and at speed, but that’s not the case. It’s possible to build an ecosystem model in a couple of days and use it to understand what is going on right now.  We’ll show how to model the ecosystem your organisation is part of, and the critical elements you’ll want to know about to inform your strategy development. The key in modelling an ecosystem is getting the right level of granularity and there are three major questions:  1.    Who is deploying which strategies?  2.    What value is / is not being created / exchanged?  3.    What functions are present to support ecosystem development?  It is easy to keep the model up to date and use it to explore emerging trends or imminent crises and develop your options.  "

How does this session align with the conference theme "Strategy in a 'Right Now' World" and topic areas
Strategy formulation is intrinsically linked with an understanding and assessment of an organisation’s environment. Without a current and up to date model of your organisation’s environment you will be unable to formulate an appropriate strategy for your organisation. An ecosystem model gives you a way to synthesise and interpret your environment. You can then use the model to explore the possible outcomes from the different strategy options you create – and also to generate strategy options that you might otherwise not have thought of. All this is possible at speed, to allow you to devise or adjust your strategy right now