Thriving Not Surviving: Defining and Celebrating Success in the Instrumental Classroom
Saturday, January 30, 2021
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
This clinic aims to help streamline the transition into a new teaching position. How do you define success in the first, second, or third years of teaching? What are your processes for self-reflection and growth? How do you find clarity in the seemingly endless number of tasks? This discussion will provide an approach to these important questions, among others, and strategize ways to create, implement, and evaluate progress for you and your students!
Learning Objective 1
Participants will create a framework for defining and measuring success in their teaching situation.
Learning Objective 2
Participants will develop strategies for organizing and prioritizing student, program, and school needs.
Learning Objective 3
Participants will brainstorm and develop methods for self-reflection and goal-setting.
Target Audiences
Choral, Elementary, Strings, Band, General Education