Stress-Free Sight-Reading: Strategies to Teach and Nurture Sight-Reading Confidence From Day 1
Saturday, January 30, 2021
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Many instrumental music teachers and students view sight-reading as the 5 or so minutes that occur after performing on stage at festival. The reality is good sight-reading habits can and should be built from day one of instruction--why wait until the weeks before festival? This clinic will outline how to scaffold instruction so that, by the time your students perform in their first festival, they (and you) will have a stress-free, musical, fun experience.
Learning Objective 1
Learners will leave with specific strategies to teach music literacy, with sight-reading in mind, to beginner and intermediate level instrumentalists.
Learning Objective 2
Learners will understand how intentionally planned Year-1 instruction prepares students to be independent and more successful in all sight-reading situations, including festival.
Learning Objective 3
Learners will understand how Year 2-3 instruction can build upon Year 1 to further nurture the confidence of student musicians in all sight-reading situations.
Target Audiences
Strings, Band
CME Information