Building the Ensemble Community

Saturday, January 30, 2021
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Everyone who conducts a large ensemble programs knows there is a lot more to music education than teaching notes and rhythms. We are trained to be independent and motivated, and we MUST be in control! Creating meaningful experiences for students, wether it is workshops with hired clinicians, award ceremonies, road trips, and so on, takes a lot of time and effort. It is essential to know how to build relationships between students, and to energize parents to help.
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will learn how to build a positive classroom/ensemble culture that is focused on producing the best music possible while being supportive of each other artistically and as humans.
Learning Objective 2
Attendees will learn how to develop a support organization that is focused on what is best for students. How to develop an appropriate culture amongst adults is critical to organizational success.
Learning Objective 3
Attendees will learn how to develop and use a network amongst fellow professionals to benefit their student and adult community.
Target Audiences
Choral, Strings, Band