Not Another Love Song or Sea Chantey: A Reading Session for SA and TB Ensembles
Saturday, January 30, 2021
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Does the music we select enforce limiting gender roles, or does it encourage individual exploration? Through literature selection, we as directors can select high-caliber music that is both rewarding and empowering for our singers. This reading session will focus on music for Soprano/Alto choirs and Tenor/Bass ensembles with a variety of voicings and difficulty levels that is inclusive and provides an opportunity for meaningful conversations through the repertoire.
Learning Objective 1
Consider ways literature selection encourages or discouraged gender identity development and exploration.
Learning Objective 2
Foster meaningful conversations with singers through literature selection.
Learning Objective 3
Sing through a variety of literature for SA and TB ensembles that goes beyond music stereotypically picked for those types of ensembles.
Target Audiences
CME Information