What to Expect When You're Expecting: A Guide to First Year Teaching
Friday, January 29, 2021
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
This presentation, geared towards music education undergraduates, will focus on the complex realities of a first-year school music teacher. This session will advocate maintaining a healthy work-life balance, keeping routines in the classroom, and nurturing a lifelong interest in professional learning. This session will also discuss procedures, or daily practiced routines help to promote student "buy-in."
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will learn about maintaining healthy relationships and be provided with resources on how to balance a thriving professional and home life.
Learning Objective 2
Attendees of this session will learn what procedures are and be able to structure and implement their procedures into their daily rehearsals.
Learning Objective 3
Attendees of this session will learn about tried and true music technology, music theory, music sight-reading, repertoire, and curriculum building resources to help them find future solutions.
Target Audiences
Choral, Strings, Band, General Education
CME Information