101 Tips and Tricks for Motivating Middle School Music Students
Friday, January 29, 2021
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Looking for ways to inspire your middle school students to practice and stay excited about music? This session will provide 101 tips and tricks to do just that! Ideas will include both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators sorted into six categories to help focus your teaching, as well as your students’ learning!
Learning Objective 1
Attendees will be introduced to several theories and psychological studies about motivation, including Social Cognitive Psychology, Flow Theory, and the Theory of Personal Investment.
Learning Objective 2
Attendees will learn the 6 categories of incentives from which music students are motivated: Musical Self-Esteem, Music-Making, Recognition, Social/Affiliation, Ego, and Extrinsic.
Learning Objective 3
Attendees will learn 101 tips and tricks, sorted into the 6 categories, that they can implement into their teaching to motivate their students. (An extensive packet & reference list will be provided.)
Target Audiences
Choral, Strings, Band, General Education
CME Information