MMEA Presents: Roger Sams
Thursday, January 28, 2021
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
> Keynote Address: Being Norma Jean Swaisgood
Roger tells stories about music teachers who have changed his life and reminds you that you are a teacher that changes lives.
> Tending To Teacher
Self-care in the age of COVID. How to prioritize your own well-being so that you have more of you available in your teaching and in your life.
> Lessons for Today
Roger models lesson plans and activities for today’s circumstances with an emphasis on speech, rhythm, and self-space movement.
Roger tells stories about music teachers who have changed his life and reminds you that you are a teacher that changes lives.
> Tending To Teacher
Self-care in the age of COVID. How to prioritize your own well-being so that you have more of you available in your teaching and in your life.
> Lessons for Today
Roger models lesson plans and activities for today’s circumstances with an emphasis on speech, rhythm, and self-space movement.