Wow! 6 topics in 60 minutes! Each presenter gets 9 minutes to share their ideas in this Pecha Kucha (Japanese for chit-chat) style session. Housing topics include data portal/pattern book homes, challenges for formerly incarcerated people, Economic Development Organizations and Land Bank partnerships, equity gap homeownership resource, resilient social connection, and 3d printing. Learn SO MUCH in SO LITTLE time!
Richard Murphy, Program Manager, Michigan Municipal League
Housing Data Portal and Pattern Book Homes
Jennifer Cobbina-Dungy, Ph.D., Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University
Housing Structural Barriers and Challenges that Formerly Incarcerated People Face
Author, Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America (2019, New York University Press)
Justin Horvath, President and Chief Executive Officer, Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership
How Economic Development Organization & Land Bank Partnerships Can Spur Housing Development
Anna Shires, Community Investment Outreach Partner, FHLBank Indianapolis
Addressing the Homeownership Gap: Down Payment Assistance for Minority Households
Dr. Upali Nanda, Partner and Global Practice Director of Research, HKS
Katrina Summersett, Director of Risk Management & Quality, and Corporate Compliance Officer, Presbyterian Villages of Michigan
Resilient Social Connection in Affordable Housing
Fernando Bales, Lab Manager, Citizen Robotics
3d Printing and Affordable Housing: A Case Study