Creating the Best Statewide Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness – Seeking YOUR Feedback on Draft MCTEH Action Plan

The Michigan Campaign to End Homelessness Action Plan identifies the goals and strategies that guide the statewide work of preventing and ending homelessness. Ending and preventing homelessness requires collective buy-in from partners across the state, unwavering commitment, and strategic focus. Over summer 2022, CSH engaged with providers, funders, government partners, people with lived expertise/experience, and others to revise and update the Action Plan goals and strategies to ensure they are in alignment with what the community has lifted up. This Action Plan will guide the work of the MCTEH for the next couple of years. Please join this session to review the draft goals and strategies and provide your feedback. We will be exploring the following questions: Do you support the draft goals and strategies? What’s missed the mark? What’s missing? Are these goals and strategies that you would support?

Lindsey Bishop Gilmore Catherine Distelrath Jasmine Lewis
Monday, October 24, 2022
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (EDT)