Ukulele for the Other 80%
Saturday, January 30, 2021
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Do you struggle with engaging your music classes that are not band, choir, or orchestra? This interactive session will share ideas on reaching and teaching the remaining 80% of students not enrolled in a traditional performing ensemble through active music making and song writing. No ukulele experience is necessary as we will learn basic chord progressions to perform pop songs and write and perform our own parody songs. Please bring your ukulele!
Learning Objective 1
Understanding the importance of reaching all learners through music education.
Learning Objective 2
Actively engaging learners and making connections between students' in and out of school musical experiences.
Learning Objective 3
Identifying and locating online ukulele resources for beginning players.
Target Audiences
Elementary, Band, General Education
CME Information