Colorful and Beautiful String Sounds! A Journey to Master Tone Production
Saturday, January 30, 2021
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Tone production is a very important part of building beautiful and colorful string sounds. This session will provide methods, exercises, and teaching philosophies to help violin and viola students develop the skills, controls, and ear appreciation in order to form a natural connection with tone colors at an early age. Moreover, this presentation will provide ideas to engage students to contribute to beautiful, mature, and versatile string section sounds.
Learning Objective 1
This session will provide tone production exercises and teaching methods from numerous violin pedagogues and concert violinists.
Learning Objective 2
This session will provide attendants information about the acoustic theory behind tone production on string instruments.
Learning Objective 3
Implementing tone production ideas at the early stages for string students will not only improve their soloistic tone but also their contribution to building a colorful orchestral string section sound
Target Audiences
Elementary, Strings, General Education
CME Information