Poster Hall

Name Speakers More Info
Breeding and Genetics
Feed the Future Biotechnology Potato Partnership: Late Blight Resistant Potatoes for Bangladesh and Indonesia: 2021 Update 
Extension, Production, and Management
Assessment of productivity and adaptability of Korea potato varieties in Vietnam during 2018-2019 
Blackdot of potato in Manitoba and foliar fungicide options for control 
Galena Russet: A Long Dormancy, Dual-Purpose Potato Cultivar Exhibiting Low Asparagine, Cold-Sweetening Resistance, and Enhanced Protein Content 
Modeling culture media composition for improved growth and development of potato plants in vitro. 
The effect of seed tuber size on dormancy and changes in endogenous hormones of double cropping potatoes 
Plant Protection
A multiplex qPCR to detect and differentiate A. alternaria, A. tenuissima and A. arborescens collected from potato brown spot lesions - CLICK FOR VIDEO 
Exploring Ultraviolet C Irradiation as a Control for Oomycete Pathogens of Stored Potato 
Investigating the role of lipoxygenase in resistance to potato common scab - CLICK FOR VIDEO 
Is ferritin involved in resistance to common scab? - CLICK FOR VIDEO 
phenotypic and genotypic diversity of potato late blight pathogen(Phytophthora infestans) in south korea