On-Demand Library Offerings

Name Speakers More Info
*A Music Library for Every Student and Every Program
*Chamber Music Beyond Solo & Ensemble Festival
*Children as Storytellers: Creating and Supporting Student Agency in Music Learning and Play
*Common Discord: Strategies to Communicate and Include Paraprofessionals in the Music Classroom
*Composition with a Click: Using Music Technology to Bridge the Gap Between Elementary and Secondary
*Creating Engaging Videos for the General Music Classroom
*Double Bass for Band Directors
*Everything You Wish You Remembered from Percussion Methods
*FlipGrid is Fantastic!
*Get Your Students to Compose in the Cloud with SmartMusic
*Google Classroom for the Music Educator
*Guitar Class - When Kids "Hit the Wall"
*It's Instrumental: Using Recorders to Develop Literacy and Improvisation Skills
*Low Brass Recruiting and Retention
*Low Budget Electronic Music Ensemble
*Mainstage Basics
*Making Music, Making Meaning: Honoring Student Identities in the Elementary General Music Classroom
*Making the Most of the Middle
*Musiking in an Online Environment - Mind the Latency!
*Panel Discussion - Issues in Distance Learning
*Preparing Your Students for a Successful Audition
*Promoting a Gender-Inclusive Environment in Elementary General Music
*Purposeful Practice Strategies Using Technology
*Remote Instruction and Blending Learning In and Out of the Recorder Classroom
*Research Poster Session: Meet the Authors
*Research to Practice: Practical Applications of Hand Gesture in the Choral Music Classroom
*Scoring and Arranging with Finale
*Slide to the Left, Slide to the Right
*SmartMusic for School Music Directors: Panel Discussion
*Taking Care of Orff Instruments: An Investment and a Journey
*Technology in a Music Classroom
*The Power of G Suite in the Music Program
*Using an Undergraduate Research Grant to Tackle a Social Justice Topic through Music and Visuals
*Who are MI-CORE, and How Can They Help Your Music Classroom?
*Why Can't My Flute Section Play in Tune?
*You Don’t Look Sick: Navigating Music Teaching with Auto-Immune and Chronic Illness